Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Eating Out At Home

I was inspired today by an article posted at Money Saving Mom about saving money by making restaurant food at home. Yes, I know the whole purpose of eating out is to save yourself the mess and clean up and to just get out. But when you figure it, those same recipes you eat at the restaurant can be made for a fraction of the cost at home. Truth be told, we just ate out as a family today for lunch at our favorite breakfast food place. It was a real treat, but not cheap even after splitting a meal and having the kids split. And as the waitress was passing by with someone else's lunch on her tray, I nearly laughed at the simplicity of it and could only imagine how much they were going to pay for it. I could made a far better version of that meal myself and for just a couple dollars. So, inspired by this post here, we're having Panera-At-Home tonight. On the menu is chicken wild rice soup (my favorite recipe) and french bread (courtesy the bread-machine). I think I'll drop by Dillon's to find a salad and Sargento salad topper to finish it off. Norah Jones, and candles, giggles and talking, coffee and cookies for dessert. Perfection! Right from my own kitchen.

Other Eating Out At Home Ideas:
Papa-Johns-Made-By-Mama ** If you have a bread machine there are great recipes for pizza dough that make no mess. Put the dough in the bottom of a pie tin, lay out sauce and toppings and the tin will keep it all contained as your kids make their own pizza. Add a movie and root beer floats for dessert!

McDonald's-With-A-Backyard-Playland ** Fast Fixin' chicken nuggets, frozen fries from the oven, apple slices, chocolate milk all served in the backyard in a paper lunch sack personalized with their name. Throw in a dollar toy (or even a toy from their room, kids love to pretend!) and you really have a Happy meal. Throw the same nuggets on some lettuce with your favorite veggies or in a tortilla with lettuce and dressing and you've treated yourself.

I-Love-Garden-Dining (get it!?) ** Nothing is easier than mostacolli. Cooked pasta, sauce, kielbasa or favorite meat, with cheese over top in a glass pan in the oven. Large salad in a large bowl and bread sticks from the dough-boy. Treat the family with a splurge on your favorite flavored tea with ice and straws. Mmmm, ice cream with a warm cinnamon sugar sauce for dessert. Set up the card table in the backyard with tea lights and table cloth. Tell the kids to put on something semi-nice and surprise dad with a lovely evening.

Really none of this is much more work than the average meal you make everyday, but the special touches will make it a special moment for the family and a guaranteed memory.

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