Friday, March 27, 2009

$40 Grocery Trip

All groceries, hygiene products, and cleaning products; that's what I'm factoring into my $40 weekly budget. Thankfully, after almost a year of couponing, I'm pretty well stocked so most of my budget can go towards getting the particulars for the week.

So why a $40 budget? Well first of all for the challenge of it. Couponing is always a sort of game and this is just another layer. I also know that I can do it and be wiser with our grocery budet. I need to be more diligent with what I plan, what I buy, and what we eat. The main reason, though, is we have a trip coming up and we decided that the money we save will go toward our expenses for the trip. So thankfully the goal has an end and I can get back to a bigger budget soon. However, I don't think we'll go back to our full budget. I guess we'll see.

My total was $37.53 for today's shopping. Which leaves me a bit of change for creamer that I'll still need to pick up this week. My particular favorites this week are the Life cereals on sale at Dillons (I may go back for more!), the Buddie soap (that is still printing out the free catalina!), and the MORE THAN FREE Sargento Southwest Potatoes Finishers that will actually be on the menu next week (I'll write more about that later).

1 comment:

Randy Wertenberger said...

Don't forget to print your $1 off Life cereal coupon from the Quaker website!
