Friday, March 20, 2009

In The Mood For A Free Movie!

If you have never been a customer of a Redbox movie rental box you may be in luck. First time users can receive one free movie rental using the promo code REDBOX. Redbox codes are good to use once per credit card or bank card. So even if you've used a redbox before you may still be able to use it with a card that you have not swiped there before.


Anonymous said...

Hey Julie, welcome to the blog world! I have 2 one for family and one for deals. Check it out

Keith said...

Hey Julie! Awesome blog! I absolutely looooooove couponing and finding deals - I'll be sure to check out your blog often. :) Oh, and I wanted to add that BREAKROOM and DVDONME are two other codes that you can use for a free Redbox movie.

Julie said...

Thanks for the comment. I was planning on continuing to add more once people got started with the "new customers only" code. I continue to publish them. Keep me informed if you see any I don't.